Thursday, October 16, 2014

Energy v. Vocabulary

Volka began her presentation with an audible voice and a few 'out of the Oxford dictionary' words in her phrases and sentences. The room was engaged and impressed up until about 2 mins into it. Volka's voice lost steam and volume dropped. The message was clear, when Blackberries got more attention. The audience had lost interest. Java was next in line. She too started with an audible voice. She also seemed confident and applied proportionate energy to her voice that stabilized the volume, even though her vocubulary was plain and simple. The audience seemed connected and engaged, often laughing at side jokes she made. The icing on the cake was, her presentation material was visual. What was the distinguishing factor here, you might ask. It was nothing magical but the energy in Java's voice that kept the audience engaged and connected. For those that asked. Yes! from that meeting Java's presentation stuck in people's memories. Never let your volume drop. Energy can get you thru even if you don't feel confident. So, ENERGIZE!


Princess Dee said...

I should remember this when next am giving a presentation. Good job on the blog.

Anonymous said...

Energy but stiil need fact. great post